

Recap: Duluth & St. Louis County at the Capitol 2022   This month, leaders, businesses, and institutions from the City of Duluth and St. Louis County, MN descended on the Minnesota Capitol to advocate for our region with the Duluth & St. Louis County at the Capitol Days events. It was a powerful couple of days that would

Ramping Up Advocacy Efforts in 2022

Duluth and St. Louis County at the Capitol is nearly upon us. At this point, we hope you have had the chance to review the Legislative Priorities Booklet. It details the needs of our region and shares the stories of our community. Further, it is a good opportunity to

March 7th, 2022|Categories: 2022, Advocacy, Duluth Chamber News, Events, Leadership, Legislation|Tags: , , , , |

Meet our Ambassador: Lindsay Kern

The Ambassadors are one of the Chamber’s most visible volunteer groups. This active group represents the Chamber and local businesses at Chamber and community events. Ambassadors support the activities of area businesses by attending their grand openings, anniversary celebrations, groundbreakings, and other commemorative events. In this way, the Ambassadors

March 1st, 2022|Categories: 2022, Ambassadors|Tags: , , , , , |

Leading Well

7 Things that Hinder Leading Well: Pride Avoidance Lacking authenticity and vulnerability Being defensive Insecurity Lack of integrity Lack of empathy This article is adapted from a Chamber presentation by Nicole Karnowski. To view the full webinar, follow the link below. Nikki is a business coach and consultant, who owns

Confidently Telling Your Story

Storytelling one of the oldest artforms throughout history. We see stories wherever we go; they are the foundation of our meetings, the news we see, magazines we read, even the billboards along the highway. Storytelling is how we build connections and create inspiration. This article is adapted from a Chamber

D&SLC: Advancing the Priorities of Northeastern Minnesota in 2022

Northeastern Minnesota needs your help to be the voice of business to our elected officials. In its 25th year, Duluth and St. Louis County at the Capitol Days is the largest regional advocacy event in the state. The Duluth Area Chamber is collaborating with the City of Duluth and St.

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