
Leading Well

7 Things that Hinder Leading Well: Pride Avoidance Lacking authenticity and vulnerability Being defensive Insecurity Lack of integrity Lack of empathy This article is adapted from a Chamber presentation by Nicole Karnowski. To view the full webinar, follow the link below. Nikki is a business coach and consultant, who owns Metamorphosis Coaching, Consulting, and

By |2022-02-04T09:35:08-06:00February 4th, 2022|2022, Education, Leadership, Workforce Development|Comments Off on Leading Well

Confidently Telling Your Story

Storytelling one of the oldest artforms throughout history. We see stories wherever we go; they are the foundation of our meetings, the news we see, magazines we read, even the billboards along the highway. Storytelling is how we build connections and create inspiration. This article is adapted from a Chamber presentation by Annie Harala

By |2022-01-28T10:37:12-06:00January 28th, 2022|2022, Education, Employers, Events, Resources, Workforce Development|Comments Off on Confidently Telling Your Story

Moving from Employee Connectivity to Employee Belonging

If your company is experiencing challenges in recruitment and retention, you are not alone. Population contributors such as reduced immigration, lower birthrate, and aging Baby Boomers have been for years creating a long-term worker shortage. This national workforce shortage has been accelerated by the pandemic. This article is adapted from a Chamber presentation by

By |2022-01-07T12:53:06-06:00January 7th, 2022|2022, Education, Employers, Leadership, Workforce Development|Comments Off on Moving from Employee Connectivity to Employee Belonging
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