

2023 Event Calendars + Printables

Did you know all employees within Chamber member business are also considered members of the Chamber? We highly encourage you to involve all staff within Chamber membership. Doing so expands your business representation, provides your staff with opportunities to develop their professional skill sets, and boosts employee morale. Attending Chamber

Policy & Advocacy Update: Development in Duluth

We are fortunate to have several local developers who continue to invest in Duluth. Throughout the community, we are seeing new buildings going up and existing buildings being repurposed. This includes commercial and retail, as well as much needed housing of all types. Yet we know the demand for more,

November 23rd, 2022|Categories: 2022, Advocacy, Duluth Chamber News, Legislation, Resources|

2022 Chamber Award Winners

Allow us to introduce you to our 2022 Chamber Award Winners. These outstanding individuals were recognized for their achievements and contributions to the business community at the 152nd Annual Meeting & Dinner Celebration on November 2. Business Champion of the Year

November 4th, 2022|Categories: 2022, Ambassadors, Duluth Chamber News, Leadership|

Policy & Advocacy Updates: Election Day 2022

We have been asking for your feedback and appreciate you sharing your thoughts with us. What we’ve heard, loud and clear, is that members appreciate the Duluth Area Chamber’s work around public policy and advocacy and want to see even more of it. That’s exactly what we plan to do

November 2nd, 2022|Categories: 2022, Advocacy, Duluth Chamber News, Forum, Legislation|

Welcome 22-23 Board Members, Executive Committee

The Duluth Area Chamber of Commerce gathered this week with our board members and staff at Minnesuing Acres to discuss the year ahead. Much of our agenda was in conversation surrounding the Chamber's strategic plan, which will be capstoned at the end of this year. Inspiring discussion, actionable goals, and

September 30th, 2022|Categories: 2022, Duluth Chamber News, Leadership|

Big Chamber Announcements!

Thank you to those who have taken the time to fill out the survey related to our strategic planning effort. If you did not participate in a focus group, please take the time to fill out the survey as we will be completing the strategic framework at the end of

September 20th, 2022|Categories: 2022, Duluth Chamber News, Leadership|
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