Supporting Our Future: The Duluth Area Chamber of Commerce Backs the Technology Referendum

As President of the Duluth Area Chamber of Commerce, I am proud to announce that our Board has unanimously approved a resolution in full support of the Duluth Public Schools Technology Referendum. This decision reflects our steadfast commitment to fostering a thriving economy in Duluth, underpinned by a well-prepared and technologically adept workforce.

The board and I did not take this decision lightly. Over the past few years, we have strongly advocated for responsible taxation and property tax relief as fundamental. We were heartened by the recent announcement from the Reinert administration that there will be no City levy increase in 2025. Personally, with my background in managing businesses in the private sector and my academic focus in business and financial leadership, I fully comprehend the significant impact taxation can have on our business ecosystem. Despite these challenges, we see this educational investment as a net positive.

Our strategic planning process has defined three core goals: driving economic development, improving business conditions and fostering community progress. Supporting this referendum aligns perfectly with these objectives, as it represents a vital investment in the workforce and residents of tomorrow.

The importance of preparing our students for the modern workforce cannot be overstated. Equipped with tools like Chromebooks, Smartboards and other essential technological equipment, our students will be better positioned to contribute significantly to our local economy. This preparation extends beyond academic success—it is a crucial step towards shaping capable digital citizens and future professionals who are ready for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.

Furthermore, this resolution emphasizes our support for the dedicated staff of Duluth Public Schools. By ensuring that our educators have access to the necessary tools, we are not only enhancing their job satisfaction and effectiveness but also indirectly boosting student performance. A supported and valued teaching workforce is fundamental to the educational success of our students.

The Duluth Public Schools have demonstrated commendable financial stewardship, evidenced by a significant upgrade in their Moody’s rating and the responsible rebuilding of their finances. This financial transparency and accountability assure us that the funds from this referendum will be well-utilized, benefiting our community’s educational infrastructure.

By voting ‘Yes’ on or before May 14th, you are investing in our students, our schools and our economic future. This investment takes us one step closer to making Duluth the best place to raise children.

To learn more or find out where to vote, please visit


In support,

Matt Baumgartner

Matt Baumgartner
Duluth Area Chamber of Commerce
Direct: (218) 740-3751
Cell: (218) 341-4026