Duluth Area Chamber Foundation Partners With Monaco Air on Aviation Advocacy

The Duluth Area Chamber Foundation and the Monaco Air Foundation recently merged to create one unified and effective voice for aviation advocacy in our region. The Monaco Air Foundation has worked closely with the Duluth Airport Authority and other aviation partners for many years, helping advocate for expanded air service in partnership with the Duluth International Airport. They have also been helping arrange and organize tours for school groups throughout the region to help introduce youth to careers in aviation. Monaco Air and the Monaco Air Foundation have been working closely and collaboratively with the Duluth Area Chamber and Chamber Foundation in recent months on these and other joint efforts, allowing the merge and transition to be seamless.

Moving forward, the Duluth Area Chamber Foundation is excited to build on the success of the Monaco Air Foundation as we take the lead on aviation advocacy efforts in strong partnership with Monaco Air, the Duluth Airport Authority and other key partners in the local aviation sector. Monaco Air and the Duluth Chamber Foundation will partner on school tours, which have recently included several high school groups throughout the region, robotics clubs in local middle schools and even college programs, including UW-Superior’s transportation and logistics program. These tours often include stops at Monaco Air, Duluth International Airport, Cirrus Aircraft, 148th Fighter Wing, LSC’s Center for Advanced Aviation and Lake Superior Helicopters. They are a great way to continue to build excitement around aviation careers and a pipeline of local talent to fill current and future workforce needs.

For more information on these and other programs of the Duluth Chamber Foundation, please visit the Duluth Area Chamber Foundation website or contact us at foundation@duluthchamber.com.